Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Ubuntu Linux on Lenovo Yoga S940

I installed Ubuntu Linux (19.10) on my new laptop Lenovo Yoga S940 at first it seemed everything worked but then I realised there were some serious issues, see the summary below:
1) touchpad: did not work after reboot (fix)
2) sleep: laptop would randomly wake up from sleep (fix)
3) multimedia  keys: volume control buttons would get stuck and drive sound volume to 0% or 100%, other multimedia keys work properly. (fix)
4) built-in microphone: did not work (still does not work). But the external microphone works. Built in microphone requires Sound Open Firmware. (fix)
5) WiFi: works out of the box
6) graphics: works OOTB
7) HiDPI scaling: works out of the box
8) sound: 4 speakers work out of the box, but subwoofer does not work. I fixed it by switching to Sound Open Firmware.
9) Battery life is not very good, it is about 4 to 5 hours. Partially it is because of 4k display. However the  main battery consumer in my case is the web browser. Currently web browsers on Linux do not support GPU acceleration which leads to very high processor load.
10) Battery  conservation mode: works.

NB: Author of the blog is not responsible for  any damage experiments may cause. You perform manipulations on your own risk.

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